• 18 September 2024

Revd Emma Rutherford becomes rector of Belvoir

Warmest congratulations to Revd Emma Rutherford who has begun a new chapter of ministry as rector of Belvoir Parish on the outskirts of Belfast.

Bishop David instituted Emma on Wednesday 18 September, which was, coincidentally, seven years to the day of her institution to St Molua’s, Stormont. Revd Karen Salmon, Bishop's Curate of Magherally and Annaclone and a colleague and friend of many years, gave the address.

Emma is married to Graham, with whom she recently celebrated 30 years of marriage, and they have one adult son, William. She said: As a family, we feel incredibly blessed to have been appointed to Belvoir Parish and look forward with excitement to this next stage of our journey.”

Emma shares more of her journey below

My background is in textiles, home furnishings and interior design, however about 20 years ago I felt God was calling me to other forms of ministry outside my local church. As a result, I spent four years employed as the family and children’s worker in Knocknagoney Parish. This was the beginning of a journey, as I started to perceive a very definite call towards ordained ministry. I’m so grateful to those who played an instrumental part of my call to ordination and I began training in Dublin in 2009.

I was ordained Deacon in Down & Dromore in 2011, serving my deacon intern year in St Jude’s Ballynafeigh, and I was ordained Priest in Connor in 2012. In 2013 I started serving as Diocesan Curate with special responsibility for Glencairn Parish in North Belfast, with the addition of the responsibility of Whiterock Parish a year later. In 2017 I answered the call to Stormont Parish and have absolutely loved what has been a very blessed time with the people there. 

I hadn’t been looking for a new position, but God starting speaking to me in so many ways about Belvoir Parish. A series of conversations led me to pray and seek guidance over this, and it became more and more apparent as time went on that I should put my name forward for consideration. Praying and fully trusting in God no matter the outcome, I entered the process, and was appointed.

Now, seven years to the day of my institution to St Molua’s, I have been instituted as the rector of Belvoir Parish. 

I’m doing what I do today simply because I met with Jesus and I love him and want to serve him. My prayer would be that others come to know him and experience the life in all its fullness that he offers. I pray that I will always give my best to God and never lose sight of the awesome privilege a life in ministry is. 

We are eager to join with our new church family as we live out our faith - loving God and loving others, as we share the love of Jesus in the local community and beyond, being guided by his Holy Spirit. We eagerly await what God has in store and would very much appreciate your prayers.

Now to him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to the power at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever. Amen. (Ephesians 3:20-21).