• 06 January 2025

A warm welcome for Revd Andy Hay

Congratulations to Revd Andy Hay who was introduced as Priest-in-charge of the Grouped Parishes of Clonallon and Warrenpoint with Kilbroney on Monday 6 January 2025, The Feast of the Epiphany.

Parishioners, friends, and colleagues gathered for the service in Kilbroney Parish Church, Rostrevor, which was led by the Area Dean, Canon Myrtle Morrison.

Andy takes up the role following his curacy in St Finnian’s, Cregagh and his training rector, Canon Jono Pierce, gave the address.

Referring to the readings from Ephesians 3 verses 14-21 and Isaiah 60 verses 1-6 Canon Pierce praised Revd Hay for his many inspiring qualities as a gifted preacher, an outstanding pastor who stood with people in the best and worst of times and his gift in relating to people of all ages.

He encouraged Andy and the people of Clonallon, Warrenpoint and Kilbroney to be a prayerful people, a loving people propelled outwards by the love of God and a confident people, inspired not by their own abilities but by the Lord who sends them out in the power of His Spirit.

Meet Andy

Andy was born in Japan, where his parents were missionaries. From the age of seven he grew up in Scotland, as his dad was ordained in the Scottish Baptist Church.

He studied Theology in Aberdeen University, and it was in Aberdeen that he met Jackie, who is from Northern Ireland. After graduation, he went on to qualify as a Primary School Teacher. He and Jackie have two children.

Andy was ordained Deacon for an internship in St Donard’s Bloomfield in 2020 and moved to Cregagh in 2021.

He says:

“I have found the transition from schoolteacher to parish priest a challenging and exciting one. I am thrilled to be taking the next step in this journey and am thoroughly looking forward to serving alongside my new brothers and sisters in Clonallon, Warrenpoint and Kilbroney. 

“My calling within the church, is to preach and teach, to minister to those in need and to disciple fellow believers through shared conversations, prayers and Bible study. I will also continue in allowing the Holy Spirit to deepen and nourish my own faith and understanding through personal studies and devotions. 

“I am confident that as we serve together and love the Lord together, we will grow in faith together. I am confident too, that as this happens, we will grow in number as more people come to know the good news and love of our Lord Jesus.”