Revd Henry Blair becomes rector of LAMP
Warmest congratulations to Revd Henry Blair who has been instituted as rector of the Lecale Area Mission Partnership at a service in St Margaret’s Church (Down Parish).
Henry comes to the role following 20-years of ordained ministry in rural settings in Monaghan, Fermanagh and Tyrone. In 2023 he left parish ministry to become the Ireland National Director for Sharing of Ministry Abroad (SOMA) and we are delighted that he has returned to parish life to lead the LAMP group of churches.
On Sunday 2 March, Henry will also be installed as Dean of Down in Down Cathedral.
The Area Dean, Revd Adrian Dorrian, coordinated the service on Wednesday 26 February and the Revd Richard Moy, Vicar of Christ Church W4 and National Director of SOMA UK, gave the address.
Henry was well supported by clergy and friends and supplied the entire worship band courtesy of his wife Helen, sons Rodney, Keith, Jason, Nathan and their wives Sarah and Hannah.
Speaking of his forthcoming ministry in Lecale Henry said:
“My wife Helen and I are excited about the opportunities that LAMP presents and looking forward to how we can connect and encourage the churches to be missional to the local communities they find themselves in and see the churches grow. My vision for the LAMP churches is that they will see the value of their presence in the community and how they can encourage and impact the communities around them.”
Meet Henry
I was born just outside Enniskillen and grew up attending Portora Royal School before going to Queens University Belfast to study Agriculture. After completing my degree, I changed career and entered the world of accountancy. I remained there for 12 years, becoming a chartered accountant in the process.
While working as an accountant I felt God’s call on my life to ministry and trained as a diocesan lay reader before going to college again and training for ordination. I was ordained deacon in 2004.
I served my curacy in Monaghan and Glaslough Groups of parishes, a group of seven churches and then moved to Ardess Parish in Kesh where I served as curate and then rector from 2007 to 2019.
In 2019 we moved to Newmills Parish outside Dungannon where I was rector for four and a half years.
In September 2023 I resigned from parish ministry to work with SOMA (Sharing of Ministries Abroad) as Ireland National Director seeking to raise the profile and financial support as well as taking missions abroad.
I will continue to act as National Director of SOMA in addition to my role as rector of the LAMP churches and Dean of Down.
I have been married to Helen for nearly 34 years and we have four grown up sons and three grandchildren.