• 26 March 2025

Pancakes and Prayer - thanks for your support so far!

As we crack on with Pancakes and Prayer through Lent, we want to thank every young person and youth leader taking part for helping children in South Sudan say: “I am educated, I am fed, I am safe and I am loved.”

That’s the aim of Fields of Life’s Thrive Programme which seeks to bring out the potential of children in Ibba and Maridi, two very remote parts of a country with many struggles, where many families regularly go without clean water, food and comforts we take for granted.

Your prayers and your giving really matters and makes a difference!

As Mothers' Day comes closer (don’t forget it’s this Sunday, 30 March), what about making treats after church on that special day? Or you can make a donation each time your youth group meets or when you go to school – maybe the same amount you would normally spend on drinks or snacks?

Food really matters to you, and to the kids and teenagers you are helping by giving up a little bit to make a difference.  While our food comes from shops, children and young people in South Sudan often receive theirs from gardens at school … but a garden never grows overnight! All this takes time to train staff who can plant and look after crops and seedlings.

The money you give means that children in South Sudan are fed day after day, week after week and month after month. It will give them a better future long after Lent ends, and as you grow up too and discover your skills and abilities.

It costs about £8,000 per year (€10,000) to set up and keep a school garden going. Each one can feed up to 3,500 children for a year for less than €3 (£2.50) for each child.

Check out our latest video clips on CIYD’s Facebook and Instagram pages made by others who have been making pancakes and praying along with you.

Leaders can give donations from their youth groups and schools at THIS LINK (Bishops' Appeal)

Simon Henry (National Youth Officer)
Hilary McClay (Bishops’ Appeal Education Advisor)