Donaghcloney & Waringstown
Why not join with us to worship God this Sunday?
We would love to see you there. Everyone welcome.
St. Patrick, Main Street, Donaghcloney at 10am
Holy Trinity, Banbridge Road, Waringstown at 11.30am

Down Cathedral
The Cathedral Church of the Holy Trinity
English Street
BT30 6AB

Dromara & Garvaghy
St John, Banbridge Road (Church Hill), Dromara
Garvaghy Parish Church, Garvaghy Church Road, Waringsford, Dromara

Dromore Cathedral
The Cathedral Church of Christ the Redeemer, Church Street/Banbridge Road, Dromore
More Info

Drumgath, Drumballyroney, Clonduff & Drumgooland
St John’s Drumgath, Church Square, Rathfriland
Drumgooland Parish Church, Castlewellan Road, Ballyward
St. John, Hilltown
St. John, Drumballyroney

Dundrum – St Donard’s Community Church
St Donard’s Community Church
183 Main Street